In ordinary times, meetings can run the gamut from dismal to invigorating. There is possibly even a wider range in this time of economic upheaval and physical distancing, when many of our “normal” practices for productive meetings are disrupted. Now with so many virtual meetings, how do we keep some of the spirit and function…Continue reading
7 Essential Keys for (Virtual) Meetings that Rock
Remember in-person meetings? When we would be in the same physical room with in-the-flesh people? If we’re fortunate, we had meetings where people established trust and rapport, respected and were curious about each other’s ideas, and thought creatively together. Or maybe meetings were occasionally like that, or we hoped they would be. Now with so…Continue reading
Share Hard Decisions to Effectively Navigate Trying Times
As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds many businesses are being forced to make hard decisions. Not only are teams working remotely, leadership is triaging financial bleed through staff layoffs and restructuring. In many companies with a traditional top-down organisational structure, managers alone make these decisions without broad team consultation. Workers lower on the ladder have little…Continue reading
Motivation in Self-Managing Organizations – It’s Not About the Money
Dan Pink knows something about what motivates us. In this RSAnimate video he shares some surprising findings about what really moves us to perform better, to do our best, to stretch ourselves. His most general finding is that for all but purely mechanical tasks – that is, for anything that requires a bit of conceptual…Continue reading
5 Pitfalls of a Top-Down Hierarchy and What to Do about Them – Part 3
This is the third in a three-part series, and is an excerpt from a white paper by the same title. Part 1 and part 2 listed four pitfalls of a top-down organization: (1) communication goes one-way, (2) the person who makes the decisions creates a bottleneck, (3) management and workers become adversaries, and (4) workers…
How Safe Is Your Team?
Would you be surprised that the research on workplace effectiveness addresses the value of psychological safety? The notion of “psychological safety,” a term coined by Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson,1 has been researched extensively over the years. Psychological safety in a work context relates to a person’s perspective on how threatening or rewarding it…Continue reading
5 Pitfalls of a Top-Down Hierarchy and What to Do about Them – Part 2
This is the second in a three-part series, and is an excerpt from a white paper by the same title. Part 1 listed two pitfalls of a top-down organization: (1) one-way communication, and (2) decision bottlenecks. Here are two more. Pitfall #3. Management and workers become adversaries. We all know of companies where relations between…
5 Pitfalls of a Top-Down Hierarchy and What to Do about Them – Part 1
The structure of a top-down organization, standard during the industrial age, ill-suits a world with fast-paced change. An alternative is the Sociocratic Circle Method, a whole-systems approach to decision-making, governance, and project management. It creates more inclusive, resilient, and effective organizations where all stakeholders have a voice in the policies that affect their work. This…Continue reading
Five Ways to Avoid Mistakes Facilitators Make That Can Ruin a Meeting
We’ve all been to meetings that are a disappointment or even a disaster, and hopefully others that are a dream – where the group gels, people think creatively together, and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. What makes the difference? Here are five ways to avoid mistakes that can tip the…Continue reading
Leadership Habits of Strategic Organizations
This article on leaders as strategic thinkers, by Paul J. H. Schoemaker, offers a framework for illustrating how to build strategic leadership into self-managing organizations. The article suggests six habits of “Adaptive strategic leaders – the kind who thrive in today’s uncertain environment.” It describes how those habits support a successful organization. Schoemaker presents…Continue reading