Objections Wanted!

Why we ask for objections to determine consent Confusing the means with the end The Sociocratic Circle-organization Method (SCM) defines consent as the absence of objections. Crucially, it also makes clear that objections are welcome and encouraged, because they provide valuable feedback regarding the proposal under consideration. Raising relevant objections is a beneficial behavior –…Continue reading

Leadership Habits of Strategic Organizations

This Inc.com article on leaders as strategic thinkers, by Paul J. H. Schoemaker, offers a framework for illustrating how to build strategic leadership into self-managing organizations. The article suggests six habits of “Adaptive strategic leaders – the kind who thrive in today’s uncertain environment.” It describes how those habits support a successful organization. Schoemaker presents…Continue reading

Learning Organizational Agility – From A School Success Story

Triple Pundit has just published the third of three articles by writer Sarah Lozanova on sociocracy (also called Dynamic Governance), a collaborative and highly effective organizational design and governance system for both for-profit companies and nonprofit organizations – “What Can a School Teach Us about Organizational Agility?” The article focuses on Rainbow Community School as…Continue reading

Engaged Employees – Dynamic Governance at Residential Care Home

Triple Pundit has just published the second of three articles by writer Sarah Lozanova on Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy), a high employee engagement approach for both for-profit companies and nonprofit organizations – “How This Residential Care Home Bumped Employee Engagement Into Overdrive.” The article focuses on Living Well Care Home and the Ethan Allen Residence as real-world…Continue reading

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