Event listing submission

TSCG members – fill in and submit the form below to have your event listed on our events calendar.

Required fields have bold labels.

NOTE: if some of the below information for your event is easily available on another web site, you may leave those fields blank and include a link to the page that has complete information.

Title for event listing
Event Date(s)
Event Time(s)
Is it an all day event? Or from 9am-12pm? What is the time period for this event? Starting time and ending time.
Cost of event
Name of conference or larger context (if relevant)
Is your event part of a conference, seminar, other larger event context?
Venue Name (if a named venue)
If the venue has a known name of its own, such as "XYZ Auditorium" or "Gotham Superhero Union Hall" enter it here.
Street Address
State (if within USA)
Country (if other than USA)
Contact Name
Please enter the primary contact name (person or organization) for additional information and questions about the event.
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Link to external website (if any)
Event Description ?
If you want to use an excerpt from a more complete description already online elsewhere, either: 1) enter the specific excerpt you want to use or 2) indicate where to find the complete description that we should take an excerpt from. Please also add any additional links you want included for this event, besides the main "Link to external website" above.
Please enter letters/numbers you see
Please enter letters/numbers you see