Do you expect meetings to be a drag? Do you dread group decision-making? Do agendas make you groan?

What would you think of an approach to making decisions that can be downright fun? A way of working together that leaves everybody energized and hopeful? A way of structuring organizations that is flexible, inclusive, and empowering?

Well, this way already exists! Sociocracy, also known as dynamic governance, is a whole systems approach to collaborative decision-making, project management, and organizational governance. It creates more inclusive and effective organizations, in which all stakeholders’ voices matter.

Curious? Register here for our Foundations of Sociocracy course: 6 online weekly sessions in 2 time zones. Starting October 31st Americas, November 1st Australasia. 

Learn the essentials via interactive experiential learning, including Q&A periods every session.

Taught by TSCG members Gina Price and Sheella Mierson.

TSCG Client quote:

“When I was an enlisted man in the Navy, I wondered why the officers didn’t listen to our good ideas. When I became an officer, I wondered why I could never get the enlisted men to tell me what they were thinking. I tell you from experience that Dynamic Governance solves this problem from both ends.”

--Richard Heitfield, President, Creative Urethanes, Winchester, Virginia

TSCG Training Team

The Sociocracy Consulting Group